Crossing the river, Cruzando el río: Twenty Mexican Poets. Review of Marlon L. Fick's (ed. and trans.) <em>The River Is Wide, El río es ancho. Twenty Mexican Poets, A Bilingual Anthology</em> (Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 2005)

  • Cecilia Enjuto Rangel University of Oregon


The River is Wide builds a poetic bridge between Mexican and American waters. Poetry flies over the border, defies immigration officers, and leaves unexpected footprints in each of its trips.

Biografía del autor/a

Cecilia Enjuto Rangel, University of Oregon
Cecilia Enjuto Rangel obtuvo su doctorado en literatura comparada en la Universidad de Yale y actualmente es profesora en el Departmento de Lenguas Romances de la Universidad de Oregon. Ha publicado varios artículos sobre poesía española y latinoamericana, incluyendo “Reaching the Past through Cities in Ruins: Itálica and Machu Picchu”, Colorado Review of Hispanic Studies, Vol.2, Fall 2004, “Petrified  Pasts: Octavio  Paz  and  Representation of Ruins”, Cyberletras, July 2004, “Cities in Ruins: The Recuperation of the Baroque in T.S.Eliot and Octavio Paz”, en How Far is America From Here? Proceedings of the International American Studies Association (IASA) (2005), y “Broken Presents: The Modern City in Ruins in Baudelaire, Cernuda  and Paz”, en Comparative Literature (primavera  200). Actualmente trabaja en un manuscrito titulado Cities in Ruins in Modern Poetry.
Reseñas / Reviews