About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Founded in 2003 as a refereed electronic journal seeking to stimulate socio-historical analysis of Latin American Literature and push back against the relativism present in poststructuralist thought and postmodernism, A Contracorriente soon became a journal dedicated to the larger field of Latin American Studies, while still maintaining our original theoretical position. It strives to foster intellectual debate about politics, sociology, history, literature, film, art, and culture at large in Latin America from a leftist point of view. The journal is open access and publishes in Spanish and English, three times a year: Fall, Spring, and Winter. 

The journal is indexed in The Modern Language Association Bibliography and Historical Abstracts. It is also included in Latindex, LatAm-Studies, ERIH Plus, JournalTOCs, as well as in the Instituto Cervantes’ list of journals.

Sponsored by the Department of World Languages and Cultures at NC State University and the College of Liberal Arts and the Center for the Humanities at the University of New Hampshire.

Section Editors


  • Scott Weintraub


  • Scott Weintraub


  • Scott Weintraub


  • Scott Weintraub


  • María Rosa Olivera-Williams


  • Ángela Vergara

Peer Review Process

A Contracorriente follows a strict policy of blind peer review. In order to guarantee a blind review, the author’s (authors’) name(s) or identifying features should only appear in the metadata of the online submission. All types of identification in the article/note/interview text should be avoided.

Frequency of Publication

A Contracorriente is a refereed journal published three times a year: in the Fall, Spring, and Winter.

Open Access Policy

The journal provides immediate open access to its content, since making research free and available to the public encourages greater exchange of knowledge around the world.

Databases and Indices

The journal uses the LOCKSS system to create an archive shared with participating libraries, allowing these libraries to create permanent archives of the journal for the purpose of preservation and conservation.

Editorial Policy

A Contracorriente welcomes essays from all fields of Latin American Studies. We seek to foster debate and discussion within Latin American Studies and publish polemical essays, studies about specific cultural, historical, and literary contexts, and criticism of the relativistic tendencies in literary and historiographical fields. Articles published elsewhere will not be accepted. Our selection of articles is based on the quality, scope, and the originality of the topic or topics covered, as well as their link to the journal’s mission.

We publish articles (6,000 to 12,000 words maximum), debate pieces or notes (3,000 to 8,000 words maximum), interviews (not to exceed 5,000 words), and book reviews (no more than 4,000 words) in Spanish and English. As a peer-reviewed journal, A Contracorriente expects that all submissions follow the relevant norms of academic journals in the humanities and social sciences. Each article is read by an editor or associate editor and then sent to a member of the Editorial Board / an outside reader, who receives the essay as a blind submission. We inform authors of the results our evaluation in four or five months. Articles under consideration in other journals will not be accepted (nor do we accept work that has already been published elsewhere).

Articles should be uploaded as an attachment. The document should be in Microsoft Word, continuously paginated, double-spaced (with single-spaced footnotes), with top and bottom margins of 1” and 1.25” margins on right and left, and use Garamond 11-point font for the text. Please use footnotes (and not endnotes) and include a Works Cited / Bibliography at the end of the document. 

Please send all queries to Prof. Scott Weintraub (scott.weintraub@unh.edu). Please include your name, institutional affiliation, and your email address. (Please note: we do not have access to the email account productioneditoracc@ncsu.edu and therefore ask that you direct all journal-related correspondence to scott.weintraub@unh.edu.)

All submissions for A Contracorriente should be uploaded using our online system. Please do not send your submission via email. All submitted material should be accompanied by any relevant auxiliary materials (including images), should they be necessary to understand the author’s thesis and argument.