Is it Just an Animal? The Bios in Question in De ganados y de hombres, by Ana Paula Maia


  • Laura Fandiño Universidad Nacional de Córdoba


Latin American literature; Ana Paual Maia Ana Paula Maia; Biopolitics; Posthumanism; Animal Studies; Landscape


This article proposes reading De ganados y de hombres (2013) by the Brazilian writer Ana Paula Maia from the prism of some posthumanist reflections. The novel focuses on the relationship between human and animal, and fictionalizes the behavior of a group of cattle that commit suicide in the Touro de Milo slaughterhouse. From my perspective, the way in which these two aspects are elaborated in the novel stages the transition from a humanist and anthropocentric worldview to a posthumanist one. I am interested in seeing specifically how the text stresses the notion of bios - life as an object of capture by the technologies of power with its reverse, that is, the bios also as that which is improper and formless, which has an opaque, irreducible existence, which cannot be co-opted, persecuted, etc. (Foucault, Esposito, Giorgi, Yelin). With this objective I first stop at a reflection that starts from the epigraphs and their relationship with the fictional world that Maia proposes. Then, I attempt two readings of the novel associated with the gaze. The first, referring to the narrator, asks the following: at what and how does he look to tell what he sees, especially in the interstitial space, in that which is between the human and the animal? In the second reading, based on some considerations of the concept of landscape from the perspective of contemporary geography that emphasizes “ways of seeing” (Souto, 2011), I analyze different aspects of the presentation of the landscape in the novel. They articulate both the effect of power on the territory as well as forms of existence that exceed any possibility of capture and are presented as opacities and vanishing points for the mechanisms of regulation and control of biopower.



How to Cite

Fandiño, L. (2025). Is it Just an Animal? The Bios in Question in De ganados y de hombres, by Ana Paula Maia. A Contracorriente: Una Revista De Estudios Latinoamericanos, 22(2), 217–236. Retrieved from



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