Violence, Affect, and the Promise of Reconciliation in Colombian Contemporary Cinema

  • Martin Ruiz-Mendoza University of Michigan
Keywords Cine colombiano, Afecto, Violencia, Justicia, Reconciliación Cine colombiano, Afecto, Violencia, Justicia, Reconciliación
Keywords Cine colombiano, Afecto, Violencia, Justicia, Reconciliación Cine colombiano, Afecto, Violencia, Justicia, Reconciliación


This essay examines three Colombian films that explore affect as a way to articulate alternative modes of historical reconstruction. By establishing a dialogue between Víctor Gaviria's Rodrigo D, No futuro (1989), César Augusto Acevedo's La tierra y la sombra (2015), and Laura Mora's and Matar a Jesús (2017), this critical approach to violence in recent Colombian cinema traces the articulation of an ethical and aesthetic resistance to address the past as past, that is, as a dimension that must be collectively assimilated as overcome to inaugurate a new era of peace and national prosperity. 

Imaginarios culturales del presente en Colombia: nuevas perspectivas sobre la violencia en la producción cultural contemporánea