Con el fusil del Che. La estrategia de lucha armada de las Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias (FAR) a través de su concepción, operativos y medios de difusión


  • Carlos Ignacio Custer Inst. Ravignani-CONICET/UNAJ/CEHTI


The objective of this paper is to analyze the strategy of armed struggle deployed by the Revolutionary Armed Forces (FAR), political-military organization active in Argentina in the years 1970-1973. To be addressed in its entirety, the task demands to examine the issue from three levels: the revolutionary conception supported by the organization, the armed actions that they carried out and their means of dissemination.

In the first part, we trace the revolutionary conception that guided the actions of the FAR based on the analysis of several of its documents. We addressed in particular the various influences that inspired the organization (Urban foquism, Peronism and Marxism), tracing the successive re-elaborations that resulted in an eclectic political-military strategy.

Second, we conducted an exhaustive recount of the operations carried out by the FAR to analyze them based on various criteria that allow us to better understand the armed actions of the organization, in relation to its quantity, location, results and coordination with other organizations. At the same time, we established a suitable typology to achieve a thorough apprehension of the diversity of the armed events under examination.

Finally, we inquired about the dissemination mechanisms implemented by the organization through the various communications, leaflets and publications that disclosed the operations carried out, taking into account that the FAR reserved the exemplariness of its actions a central place in the attraction of growing sectors towards the armed path for which they advocated.




How to Cite

Custer, C. I. (2020). Con el fusil del Che. La estrategia de lucha armada de las Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias (FAR) a través de su concepción, operativos y medios de difusión. A Contracorriente: Una Revista De Estudios Latinoamericanos, 18(1), 79–108. Retrieved from



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