Focus and / or universalization: analysis of the plan "I return to Study" of Santa Fe, Argentina.

  • Silvia Vanesa Alucin IRICE-CONICET
Keywords governmentality, high school, inclusion, Argentina gubernamentalidades, secundaria, inclusión, Argentina
Keywords governmentality, high school, inclusion, Argentina gubernamentalidades, secundaria, inclusión, Argentina


In the present work we analyze the socio-educational inclusion policies applied to the middle level in Argentina, specifically addressing the Return to Study plan, implemented in the province of Santa Fe. The field work was done with plan workers, we start from an anthropological approach, from which we analyze representations and practices that are generated during the implementation of the program. Also, we try to track the traces and contradictions of multiple historical processes that are condensed in the present. Thus, we can better understand how this policy is inserted in relation to others implemented in previous decades. This will serve to problematize the antinomy and complementarity of universal and focused policies, their continuity or rupture, taking as a guideline the type of subjectivities that tend to delimit the policies and the conceptions that guide them. In this way, we will see that in the implementation of inclusion policies different types of governmentalities are put into tension, from which relationships, classifications and practices are constructed, interpellating the subjectivity of the recipients and that of the state agents themselves.


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