Contesting and Reconciling the “Ludic” Postmodern Trope of Exile


  • Alda Blanco University of Wisconsin - Madison

Palabras clave:

Reviews, Postmodernism, Literature


A review of Sophia McClennen'  The Dialectics of Exile: Nation, Time, Language, and Space in Hispanic Literature.

Biografía del autor/a

Alda Blanco, University of Wisconsin - Madison

Alda Blanco is a professor of Spanish and Chair of the Spanish and Portuguese at the University of Wisconsin—Madison. She specializes in contemporary Spanish literature and culture, and has dedicated much of her research and writing to investigating questions of the intersection between gender and cultural production. Her book, Escritoras virtuosas: narradoras de la domesticidad en la España isabelina, studies an important, but nevertheless forgotten, generation of Spanish women writers. She has also published on the feminist author, María Martínez Sierra. Currently she is working on a book-length project titled, Writing the Spanish Empire.

Cómo citar

Blanco, A. (2011). Contesting and Reconciling the “Ludic” Postmodern Trope of Exile. A Contracorriente: Una Revista De Estudios Latinoamericanos, 2(1), 110–115. Recuperado a partir de



Reseñas / Reviews