Latin Americanism and Imperialism after 9/11


  • Tom Lewis University of Iowa

Palabras clave:

9-11, Latin American Politics, U.S. Imperialism, Terrorism


The author examines United States' Imperialism in Latinoamerican countries, establishing a continuity before and after the 9/11 events. 

Biografía del autor/a

Tom Lewis, University of Iowa

Tom Lewis is Professor of Spanish and Portuguese at the University of Iowa, where he is also Professor of International Studies. Lewis is the ghostwriter and translator of Oscar Olivera’s account of mass revolt against corporate globalization, entitled ¡Cochabamba! Water War in Bolivia (2004). He has also co-edited Culture and the State in Spain, 1550-1850 (1999) and a special issue of the International Socialist Review on “The Future of the Global Justice Movement” (2002). He is the author of La transformación de la teoría (1997) a monograph on Marxism and Nationalism (2000) and has also finished a manuscript entitled, Fiction and Reference.

Cómo citar

Lewis, T. (2011). Latin Americanism and Imperialism after 9/11. A Contracorriente: Una Revista De Estudios Latinoamericanos, 2(1), 1–20. Recuperado a partir de



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