Exploding Official Accounts of the Spanish Conquest of Peru. A Review of Gonzalo Lamana's <em>Domination without Dominance: Inca-Spanish Encounters in Early Colonial Peru</em> (Durham, NC & London: Duke UP, 2008)


  • Peter Gose Carleton University

Palabras clave:

colonialism, proto-colonial Peru


This important book will fundamentally change how scholars look at proto-colonial Peru. It offers new ways of reading the relevant documents and new insights into all of the important events between 1532 and 1549. Lamana’s basic goal is to interrupt the “narcotic effect” of traditional histories that exclude everything but Spanish military victories from their frame.

Biografía del autor/a

Peter Gose, Carleton University

Peter Gose se especializa en la etnografía y la antropología histórica andinas, pero sus intereses incluyen también la teoría práctica, la hermenéutica, y las teorías sobre hegemonía. Es autor de Deathly Waters and Hungry Mountains: Agrarian Ritual and Class Formation in an Andean Town (1994) e Invaders as Ancestors: On the Inter-Cultural Making and Unmaking of Spanish Colonialism in the Andes (2008). Ha publicado artículos en revistas como American Anthropologist, American Ethnologist, Comparative Studies in Society and History, Dialectical Anthropology, Ethnohistory, History y Anthropology and Man. Trabaja actualmente en un proyecto sobre las nociones de “pureza de sangre” en España y sus colonias durante el período moderno temprano.



Cómo citar

Gose, P. (2010). Exploding Official Accounts of the Spanish Conquest of Peru. A Review of Gonzalo Lamana’s <em>Domination without Dominance: Inca-Spanish Encounters in Early Colonial Peru</em> (Durham, NC & London: Duke UP, 2008). A Contracorriente: Una Revista De Estudios Latinoamericanos, 8(1), 493–501. Recuperado a partir de https://acontracorriente.chass.ncsu.edu/index.php/acontracorriente/article/view/514



Reseñas: Colonialismo en Perú