The Holocaust, the Twenty Million Soviet War Dead, the United Fruit Company, and Gabriel García Márquez

  • Gene Bell-Villada Williams College


This note discusses the political use of the Holocaust in favor of America's anti-communism; likewise, it links the "amnesia" of the real weight of the Holocaust with the abuses of American´s companies in Latin-America and their subsequent oblivion.

Biografía del autor/a

Gene Bell-Villada, Williams College
Gene Bell-Villada es profesor del Williams College. Sus obras incluyen la novela The Carlos Chadwick Mystery: A Novel of College Life and Political Terror, la colección de cuentos The Pianist Who Liked Ayn Rand, y los libros de crítica Art for Art's Sake and the Literary Life, Borges And His Fiction; A Guide To His Mind And Art y Garcia Marquez: The Man And His Work.
Notas / Notes