e-(re)volution: Zapatistas and the Emancipatory Internet

  • Henry James Morello Penn State University


Thirty years after his article, Enzensberger’s vision of the emancipatory potential of two-way communication is being realized in the revolutionary struggles of the Zapatistas in the southern Mexico state of Chiapas. This essays argues that despite the rapidly mounting corporate and state control of the Internet, it still has the potential as a tool for emancipatory revolution. After a brief examination of the history of the Zapatistas, this essay examines the potential of and limitations on this medium through the lens of this revolutionary group.

Biografía del autor/a

Henry James Morello, Penn State University
Henry James Morello recibió su doctorado de la Universidad de Illinois en 2006 y ahora enseña en los departamentos de español y literatura comparada de Penn State University. Sus intereses incluyen la literatura y la cultura latinoamericana especialmente el teatro y el cine. En este momento edita con Sophia A. McClennen una edición de CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture que se llama Representing Humanity in an Age of Terror (2006) y escribe su primer libro Post-Traumatic Theatre: A Transatlantic Perspective.
Artículos / Articles