The Evolution of Military Justice in Late Colonial Guatemala, 1762-1821

  • Ana Margarita Gómez William Paterson University


This analysis has suggests that the evolution of military justice during the late colonial period was the product of both exogenously and endogenously induced change. On the onehand, short-term external challenges affected the scope of military law, both in the range of criminal actions and in the persons who were influenced by it and took advantage of its remedies. On the other hand, the internal dynamics of the army and of military law influenced the systems of courts designed to enforce military law and administer justice.

Biografía del autor/a

Ana Margarita Gómez, William Paterson University
Ana Margarita Gómez es oriunda de San Juan Chinameca (El Salvador). Realizó sus estudios post-graduados e investigaciones históricas en la
Universidad de Minnesota, donde obtuvo el doctorado en historia latinoamericana. Además de su trabajo editorial para UCA Editores y su serie Realidad Histórica, actualmente investiga y escribe sobre la transformación de la función política y naturaleza institucional del ejército borbón en la Guatemala
colonial tardía. Es profesora asistente de historia colonial en la Universidad William Paterson de Nueva Jersey.
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