Cosmopolitanism and the Nation: Reading Asymmetries of Power in Victoria Ocampo’s “Babel”


  • Gorica Majstorovic The Richard Stockton College

Palabras clave:

Victoria Ocampo, Babel, Asymmetries of power, Argentina


October 1944, in the sky above Paris, sheets of paper are floating down to the ground. A few people below are looking up, waiting for the sheets to reach them. Most pay no particular attention, accustomed as they are to receiving political pamphlets in such a fashion. These sheets may look the same as all the rest, but they are not. These pages are different, both in nature and purpose. These are not political propaganda pages. They are pages of a literary review. The review is Lettres Françaises, edited in Buenos Aires b yan exiled French writer, Roger Caillois. The pages are written in French, but they come from far away: from across the ocean, from Argentina. The pages include Néstor Ibarra’s French translations of Jorge Luis Borges’ stories “La lotería en Babilonia” and “La biblioteca de Babel”.

Biografía del autor/a

Gorica Majstorovic, The Richard Stockton College

Gorica Majstorovic se doctoró en New York University y es profesora de literatura latinoamericana y World Literature en The Richard Stockton College of New Jersey. Entre sus publicaciones se encuentran, "An American Place: Victoria Ocampo's Editorial Politics, the Foundation of Sur, and Hemispheric Alliances" (Arizona Journal of Hispanic Cultural Studies, Fall 2005), “From Argentina to Spain and North Africa: Travel and Translation in Roberto Arlt.” (Iberoamericana. España. Latinoamérica. Portugal. Spring 2006), y traducciones de Regis Bonvicino y Cristina Peri-Rossi. Actualmente está traduciendo a Nilo Cruz y preparando una monografía sobre la traducción y las relaciones inter-americanas.



Cómo citar

Majstorovic, G. (2006). Cosmopolitanism and the Nation: Reading Asymmetries of Power in Victoria Ocampo’s “Babel”. A Contracorriente: Una Revista De Estudios Latinoamericanos, 3(3), 47–64. Recuperado a partir de



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