Sentimentality in Unsentimental Times: Love in Jacinta Escudos and Luis Chaves


  • Yvette Aparicio Grinnell College

Palabras clave:

Post-conflict literature, Sentiment, Love, Jacinta Escudos, Luis Chaves


This paper focuses on the representation of romantic heterosexual relationships in post-conflict Central American literature, specifically in Crónicas para sentimentales (2010) by Salvadoran Jacinta Escudos and Asfalto: un road poem (2006) by Costa Rican Luis Chaves.I look at how global media, for instance “Killing Me Softly with His Song” in Escudos’ title story, serve as sentimental anchors in an unsentimental world that eschews lasting attachments. Global media makes visible and at times assuages romantic couples' isolation and alienation from each other. These media products fulfill narrators’ need for love and sentimentality without revealing their cursi-ness and thus, keeping in place sentimentales’ tenuous crónicas chronicling their unsentimentality.

Biografía del autor/a

Yvette Aparicio, Grinnell College


Dept of Spanish

Chair of Latin American Studies concentration


Publications: Post-Conflict Central American Literature: Searching for Home and Longing to Belong; journal articles on contemporary Latin American poetry




Cómo citar

Aparicio, Y. (2018). Sentimentality in Unsentimental Times: Love in Jacinta Escudos and Luis Chaves. A Contracorriente: Una Revista De Estudios Latinoamericanos, 16(2), 211–223. Recuperado a partir de



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