Fictional Violence and the <em>senderos</em> of Literary Criticism


  • Kent Dickson California State Polytechnic University—Pomona

Palabras clave:

Violence in Latin America, fiction, film


Review of Senderos de violencia: Latinoamérica y sus narrativas armadas. Oswaldo Estrada ed. Valencia: Albatrós, 2015.

Biografía del autor/a

Kent Dickson, California State Polytechnic University—Pomona

Kent Dickson is Associate Professor of Spanish at the California State Polytechnic University in Pomona, California. Specializing in Peruvian and Mexican literature of the nineteenth to twenty-first centuries, he has published and presented on and fictional portrayals of Peru’s Sendero Luminoso violence, Latin American Surrealism and vanguard poetics, and Peruvian fiction and theater of the independence and republican periods. Recent publications include “Staging Compassion, Practicing Citizenship: Los patriotas de Lima en la noche feliz,Decimonónica 13: 1 (2016); “Surrealist Views, American Landscapes: Notes on Wolfgang Paalen’s Ruin Gazing,” Journal of Surrealism and the Americas 8: 1 (2014); “Trauma and Trauma Discourse: Peruvian Fiction after the CVR,” Chasqui 41: 1 (2013); “Making the Stone Speak: César Moro and the Object” in Debates on Surrealism in Latin America: Vivísimo muerto, ed. Dawn Ades, et al. (Los Angeles: Getty Publications, 2012). He holds a doctorate in Hispanic Languages and Literatures from UCLA (2005). 



Cómo citar

Dickson, K. (2016). Fictional Violence and the <em>senderos</em> of Literary Criticism. A Contracorriente: Una Revista De Estudios Latinoamericanos, 14(1), 373–379. Recuperado a partir de



Reseñas: Violencia en América Latina