Engendering the History of Rural Nicaragua

  • Aldo Lauria-Santiago Rutgers University


A review of Elizabeth Dore's Myths of Modernity: Peonage and Patriarchy in Nicaragua (Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2006).

Biografía del autor/a

Aldo Lauria-Santiago, Rutgers University
Aldo Lauria-Santiago obtuvo su doctorado en la Universidad de Chicago y es actualmente Profesor Asociado de Historia Latinoamericana y Director del Centro de Estudios Latinos y del Caribe Hispano en Rutgers University. Es autor de An Agrarian Republic Commercial Agriculture and the Politics of Peasant Communities in El Salvador, 1823-1914 (1999), co-autor, con Jeffrey Gould, de To Rise in Darkness: Revolution, Repression, and Memory in El Salvador, 1920-1932 (2008), y co-editor de Identity and Struggle at the Margins of the Nation-State: The Laboring Peoples of Central America and the Hispanic Caribbean (1998) y Landscapes of Struggle. Politics, Society, and Community in El Salvador (2004).
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