Working Indigeneity. Reviews of Andrew Canessa's <em>Intimate Indigeneities: Race, Sex, and History in the Small Spaces of Andean Life</em> & Shona N. Jackson's <em>Creole Indigeneity: Between Myth and Nation in the Caribbean</em>

  • Christa J. Olson University of Wisconsin—Madison
Keywords Indigeneity, Andean life, Creole Indigeneity, Caribbean
Keywords Indigeneity, Andean life, Creole Indigeneity, Caribbean


Reviews of Andrew Canessa's Intimate Indigeneities: Race, Sex, and History in the Small Spaces of Andean Life (Durham: Duke University Press, 2012) & Shona N. Jackson's Creole Indigeneity: Between Myth and Nation in the Caribbean (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2012).

Author Biography

Christa J. Olson, University of Wisconsin—Madison J. Olson is Assistant Professor of Visual Rhetoric at University of Wisconsin—Madison. She has published Constitutive Visions (Penn State U Press, 2013) in which she presents the rhetorical history of republican Ecuador as punctuated by repeated arguments over national identity.
Reviews: Indigenism