The Narrative Power of Science: Darwinism and Literature in Argentina. A Review of Leila Gómez's <em>Darwinism in Argentina: Major Texts 1845-1909</em> (Lewisburg: Bucknell U P, 2011)

  • Adriana Novoa University of South Florida
Keywords Charles Darwin, Darwinismo, textos
Keywords Charles Darwin, Darwinismo, textos


A Review of Leila Gómez's Darwinism in Argentina: Major Texts 1845-1909, translated by Nicholas Ford Callaway (Lewisburg: Bucknell U P, 2011)

Author Biography

Adriana Novoa, University of South Florida
Adriana Novoa received her BA in History from the University of Buenos Aires, Argentina. She did graduate work at the Instituto Di Tella before enrolling at the University of California, San Diego, where she completed her MA and PhD in Latin American History. With Alex Levine she co-authored From Man to Ape. Darwinism in Argentina, 1870-1920 (Chicago: Chicago University Press, 2010) and Darwinistas! The Construction of Evolutionary Thought in Nineteenth Century Argentina (Leiden: Brill, 2012). Dr. Novoa’s articles have been published in The Journal of Latin American Studies, Science in Context, The Latinoamericanist, and Revista Hispánica Moderna, among others.
Reviews: Science in Latin America