Indigenous Nationalities in Ecuadorian Marxist Thought

  • Marc Becker Truman State University
Keywords Indigenous identity, Marxism, Communist International, Ecuador
Keywords Indigenous identity, Marxism, Communist International, Ecuador


This study investigates the long and deeply entwined history of indigenous movements and the Marxist left in Ecuador. Although the debate about whether to affiliate with the Moscow-based Third  or  Communist  International  (also  known  as  theComintern) was largely carried out among urban intellectuals, it had a lasting legacy forIndigenous  organizing  efforts  in Ecuador.  Furthermore,  how EcuadorianCommunists handled this affiliation arguably set the country on a differenttrajectory  than  its  neighbors, as the Communist  movement  in  Ecuador  developed  close  associations  withindigenous militants. In conclusion, this investigation discloses the largely unknown communist  contributions  to  the  construction  of  indigenous nationalities in  Ecuador  and  more  broadly.
Dossier: I - Pensamiento y praxis de la izquierda latinoamericana