The Road to Baghdad Passed Through El Salvador. Review of Greg Grandin's <em>Empire’s Workshop: Latin America, the United States and the Rise of the New Imperialism</em> (New York: Metropolitan Books, 2006)

  • Eric Zolov Franklin and Marshall College
Keywords Latin American History, Latin American Politics, Imperialism
Keywords Latin American History, Latin American Politics, Imperialism


With his most recent book, Empire’s Workshop, Grandin takes a more definitive foray into his new role as public intellectual. Arguing that “the road to Iraq passes through Latin America” (163), Empire’s Workshop maps out a trajectory of U.S.policies in Latin America over the past century, establishing a direct link between U.S.-sponsored regime change and repression in the hemisphere with Bush’s “global war on terror.”

Author Biography

Eric Zolov, Franklin and Marshall College
Eric Zolov es Profesor Asociado de Historia en Franklin & Marshall College. Actualmente se desempeña también como Editor Asociado de la revista The Americas: A Quarterly Review of Inter-American Cultural History. Es autor del libro Refried Elvis: The Rise of the Mexican Counterculture (University of
California Press, 1999) y co-editor de los volúmenes Latin America and the United States: A Documentary History (Oxford University Press, 2000), Fragments of a Golden Age: The Politics of Popular Culture in Mexico Since 1940 (Duke University Press, 2000), y Rockin' Las Américas: The Global Politics of Rock in Latin/o America (University of Pittsburgh Press, 2004). Su nuevo proyecto examina el impacto de la revolución cubana sobre la política mexicana y las relaciones entre US y México en la década de los 60.
Reviews / Reseñas