Exploring New Angles of Perception in Jens Andermann’s <em>New Argentine Cinema</em>. A Review of Jens Andermann’s <em>New Argentine Cinema</em> (London: I.B. Tauris, 2012.)

  • Isis Sadek University of South Carolina
Keywords Films, cienma, new argentine cinema
Keywords Films, cienma, new argentine cinema


New Argentine Cinema, the title of Jens Andermann’s latest book, is appropriate as it conveys the breadth of the book’s scope--fifty five films are analyzed in depth and a good deal more are referenced--while leaving hidden the multiple and complementary lines of inquiry that Andermann defines to guide his “survey”, all of which can hardly be evoked or summarized in a title. Similarly, the constraints of the review genre only allow us to hint at the evenly spaced succession of interpretative tour de force contained in this rich, theoretically inflected survey of Argentine cinema over the past fifteen years.


Author Biography

Isis Sadek, University of South Carolina
Isis Sadek se doctoró de la Universidad de Duke y es ahora profesora asistente en la Universidad de Carolina del Sur.  Se especializa en el cine de Argentina y Brasil, y ha publicado artículos en Hispanic Cinema y The Journal of Latin American Cultural Studies. Actualmente trabaja en un libro sobre la imaginación territorial y espacial en la producción cultural en Argentina y Brasil a partir de los años 50.
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