The Cultural Legacy of the Military Dictatorship in Chile. Review of <em>Democracy in Chile. The Legacy of September 11, 1973</em> by Silvia Nagy-Zekmi and Fernando Leiva, eds. (Brighton, England and Portland, Oregon: Sussex Academic Press, 2005.)

  • Margaret Power Illinois Institute of Technology
Keywords Chile, Dictatorship, September 11, military coup
Keywords Chile, Dictatorship, September 11, military coup


This edited volume offers a rich assessment of the impact thatthe September 11, 1973, military coup had on Chilean society. The book developed from the 2003 conference, “Democracy in LatinAmerica: Thirty Years after Chile’s 9/11” held at the State University of New York at Albany.

Author Biography

Margaret Power, Illinois Institute of Technology
Margaret Power es profesora de historia en el Illinois Institue of Technology en Chicago. Es la autora de Right-Wing Women in Chile: Feminine Power and the Struggle Against Allende, 1964-1973 (Penn State University Press, 2002), y editora con Paola Bacchetta de Right-Wing Women: From Conservatives to Extremists Around the World (Routledge, 2002). Actualmente se dedica a investigar la historia del Partido Nacionalista en Puerto Rico.
Reviews / Reseñas