Un conflicto dentro de un conflicto: La huelga en Rosario de enero de 1907 interpretada por socialistas, anarquistas, y sindicalistas revolucionarias


  • Carlos Álvarez Universidad Nacional de Rosario


strike, rosario, sindicalism, anarquism, socialism


In January 1907, a strike of the transport industry union took place in Rosario, which in a few days had a national scope. This strike was one of the most important of the first decade of the 20th century, not only because of its duration and intensity, but also because it took place in a delicate context: the Congress of Workers' Unification in march. The diagnoses that each ideological current made of it are of great importance to understand how it was interpreted and what role each one assigned to itself in its success. From the workers' press, each current saw the strike as a space to prove their thesis. In this way, anarchists, socialists and revolutionary unionists disputed the meaning of the strike in view of the above-mentioned Congress. The present work aims to give an account of those readings and their uses.



How to Cite

Álvarez, C. (2022). Un conflicto dentro de un conflicto: La huelga en Rosario de enero de 1907 interpretada por socialistas, anarquistas, y sindicalistas revolucionarias. A Contracorriente: Una Revista De Estudios Latinoamericanos, 19(3), 185–211. Retrieved from https://acontracorriente.chass.ncsu.edu/index.php/acontracorriente/article/view/2108



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