A Classic on the Never-Ending Debate on the Allende Years

  • Alan Angell Oxford University
Keywords Socialism, Democracy, Chilean history, Allende, Unidad Popular
Keywords Socialism, Democracy, Chilean history, Allende, Unidad Popular


Book review of Joaquín Fermandois' La Revolución Inconclusa: La Izquierda Chilena y el Gobierno de la Unidad Popular (Santiago: Centro de Estudios Públicos, 2013).

Author Biography

Alan Angell, Oxford University
Alan Angell is an emeritus fellow at the Latin American Centre, School of Interdisciplinary Area Studies, St. Antony's College, University of Oxford, UK. Among his publications: Decentralizing Development:The Political Economy of Institutional Change in Colombia and Chile, with Pamela Lowden and Rosemary Thorp (Oxford University Press, 2001); and The Judicalisation of Politics in Latin America edited with Rachel Sieder and Line Schjolten (Palgrave :2005); "The Politics of Education Reform in Chile" in L Haagh and C Helgoe (eds) Market Reform and Social Policy in Chile (London: Macmillan. 2003); "Party Change in Chile in Comparative Perspective" Revista de Ciencia Política Vol XXIII No 2 2003 (Santiago);  "Facts or Perceptions: a Paradox in the Interpretation of Chilean Democracy" in M Alcántara and L Rodríguez's (eds) La política chilena: entre la rutina, el mito y el modelo (Edicions Bellaterra, Salamanca. 2006).
Reviews: Chile - History and Memory