The Smile of the Slave: Synthesis and Protest in Alfonso Reyes

  • Joshua Lund University of Pittsburgh
Keywords Alfonso Reyes, identity, nation-building
Keywords Alfonso Reyes, identity, nation-building


In this essay,  the author traces the rise of "mestizaje", first as it emerges historically as a political category harnessed to nation-building in late-nineteenth-century Mexico, and then insofar as it informs the work of the essayist Alfonso Reyes (1889-1959), one of the most influential theorists  of Mexican and Latin American cultural identity of the past century.

Author Biography

Joshua Lund, University of Pittsburgh
Joshua Lund is Assistant Professor of Spanish at the University of Pittsburgh, where he teaches Latin American literary and cultural studies. His recent publications have appeared in Race & Class, The Journal of Latin American Cultural Studies and Cultural Critique. His book, The Impure Imagination is forthcoming with the University of Minnesota Press.
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