Modern Mexico, Media Studies and the Cold War. A Review of Celeste González de Bustamante's <em>“Muy Buenas Noches”: Mexico, Television, and the Cold War</em> (Lincoln: U of Nebraska P, 2013)


  • Michael A. Krysko Kansas State University


Mexico, media studies, television, politics, journalism


Review of Celeste González de Bustamante's “Muy Buenas Noches”: Mexico, Television, and the Cold War. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2013.

Author Biography

Michael A. Krysko, Kansas State University

Michael Krysko is Associate Professor of History at Kansas State University, where he teaches courses on media history, the history of technology, and U.S. foreign relations. He is the author of American Radio in China: International Encounters with Technology and Communications, 1919-41 (New York: Palgrave-Macmillan, 2011). His work on radio history has also appeared in Technology and Culture, Pacific Historical Review, and the Historical Journal of Film, Radio, and Television. His current book project will explore the relationship between international radio broadcasting and American identity formation from the 1920s through the 1940s.



How to Cite

Krysko, M. A. (2013). Modern Mexico, Media Studies and the Cold War. A Review of Celeste González de Bustamante’s <em>“Muy Buenas Noches”: Mexico, Television, and the Cold War</em> (Lincoln: U of Nebraska P, 2013). A Contracorriente: Una Revista De Estudios Latinoamericanos, 11(1), 402–410. Retrieved from



Reviews: Colonial and Modern Mexico