Decolonizing Guatemalan Textualities: Luis de Lión and the Aesthetics of Identity. A Review of Luis de Lión's <em>Time Commences in Xibalbá</em> (Tempe: The U of Arizona P, 2012)

  • Amy Olen University of Texas at Austin
Keywords Luis de lión, Xibalbá, textualities
Keywords Luis de lión, Xibalbá, textualities


A review of Time Commences in Xibalbá by Luis de Lión, translated by Nathan C. Henne and afterword by Arturo Arias (Tempe: The University of Arizona Press, 2012).

Author Biography

Amy Olen, University of Texas at Austin
Amy Olen is a doctoral candidate in the Department of Spanish and Portuguese at the University of Texas at Austin. Her research interests are Central American literature and Indigenous Studies. She holds an MA in Latin American Literature and an MA in Translation Studies from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.
Reviews: Literature and Cultural History