Making Paraguayan History Accessible. A Review of Peter Lambert and Andrew Nickson's (eds) <em>The Paraguay Reader: History, Culture, Politics </em> (Durham: Duke UP, 2013)

  • Bridget María Chesterton Buffalo State College
Keywords Historia de Paraguay
Keywords Historia de Paraguay


A review of Peter Lambert and Andrew Nickson's (eds.) The Paraguay Reader: History, Culture, Politics.  Durham:  Duke University Press, 2013).

Author Biography

Bridget María Chesterton, Buffalo State College
Bridget Chesterton is an Assistant Professor of History at Buffalo State College. She earned her Ph.D. from Stony Brook in 2007. Her research interests include Paraguay and Argentina. Her book, The Grandchildren of Solano López: Frontier and Nation will be published with the University of New Mexico Press in October 2013.
Reviews: Paraguay