Living to Tell the Tale

  • Gene Bell-Villada Williams College
Keywords Biography, , Latin America, Gabriel Gacría Márquez
Keywords Biography, , Latin America, Gabriel Gacría Márquez


A review of Gabriel García Marquez' "Living to Tell the Tale"

Author Biography

Gene Bell-Villada, Williams College
Gene Bell-Villada is a professor and Chair in the Department of Romance Languages at Williams College. He has published widely on left-wing politics and literature. His works of non-fiction include the following: García Márquez: The Man and His Work, Art for Art's Sake and Literary Life: How Politics and Markets Helped Shape the Ideology and Culture of Aestheticism, 1790-1990, Borges and His Fiction: A Guide to his Mind and Art and a second edition, revised and expanded, and his memoirs, Overseas American: Growing up Gringo in the Tropics, forthcoming in Spring 2005. He has also served as editor of Gabriel García Márquez's One Hundred Years of Solitude: A Casebook. His works of fiction include a novel, The Carlos Chawick Mystery, and The Pianist Who Liked Ayn Rand: A Novella & 13 Stories.
Reviews / Reseñas