Medicine and Public Health in Bolivia. A Review of Ann Zulawski's <em>Unequal Cures: Public Health and Political Change in Bolivia, 1900-1950</em> (Durham: Duke UP 2007)

  • Adam Warren University of Washington—Seattle
Keywords Bolivian medicine, Bolivian health politics, Public Health
Keywords Bolivian medicine, Bolivian health politics, Public Health


With the publication of Unequal Cures: Public Health and Political Change in Bolivia, 1900-1950, Ann Zulawski has provided an important study of the problems of disease and the politics of public health, race, and gender in Bolivia. Her work is a vital contribution to the new literature on the history of medicine and public health in Latin America in part because of its originality. Unequal Cures is the first major historical study of Bolivian public health to be published in English. Zulawski, moreover, draws from archival sources few have touched in the development of this project, doing much of the basic groundwork for the Bolivian case study that scholars of other, more heavily “studied” regions have been able to take for granted in developing their own scholarship.

Author Biography

Adam Warren, University of Washington—Seattle
Adam Warren is profesor asistente de Historia Latinoamericana en la Universidad de Washington en Seattle. Su especialidad es la historia de la medicina y la salud pública en el Perú colonial y postcolonial. Es autor de “Piedad pública y reformas sanitarias: Epidemias, el estado peruano, y la prohibición de los entierros en las parroquias de Lima, 1790-1850” (Horizontes, vol. 23, no. 1, Jan-Dec 2003) y “Pastoral Zeal and ‘Treacherous’ Mothers: Ecclesiastical Debates about Cesarean Sections, Abortion, and Infanticide in Andean Peru, 1780-1810,” en Women, Ethnicity, and Medical Authority: Historical Perspectives on Reproductive Health in Latin America, Tamera Marko and Adam Warren eds. (Working Papers Series, Center for Iberian and Latin American Studies, UC San Diego, 2004). Actualmente prepara un libro titulado Embattled Reforms and Unhealthy Subjects: Disease Prevention in Bourbon Peru.
Reviews: Scientific & Academic Interventions