Writing and Reading in a Transnational Context: Light Fiction and Complicity in <em>The Ecuador Effect</em>. A Review of David E. Stuart's <em>The Ecuador Effect</em> (Albuquerque: U of New Mexico P, 2007)

  • Michael Handelsman University of Tennessee—Knoxville
Keywords The Ecuador Effect, novel, narrative, Ecuadorian literature, David Stuart
Keywords The Ecuador Effect, novel, narrative, Ecuadorian literature, David Stuart


David E. Stuart is a professor of anthropology at the University of New Mexico who has turned his most recent efforts as researcher and scholar to writing a novel titled The Ecuador Effect. Although a work of fiction, this novel was inspired by Stuart’s previous experience in Ecuador where he lived and worked and, apparently, learned much about the history and cultural mores of the country.

Author Biography

Michael Handelsman, University of Tennessee—Knoxville
Michael Handelsman es profesor de literatura hispanoamericana en la Universidad de Tennessee, donde también es director del programa de Estudios Latinoamericanos. En la Facultad de Artes y Ciencias es Distinguished Professor in the Humanities. Handelsman se especializa en literatura y cultura del Ecuador y es autor de varios libros, incluyendo Leyendo la globalización desde la mitad del mundo: identidad y resistencias en el Ecuador (2005).
Reviews: Poetry & Narrative