Something is Coming. A Review of Benedict Anderson's <em>Under Three Flags. Anarchism and the Anti-Colonial Imagination</em> (London and New York: Verso, 2005)

  • Christopher Schmidt-Nowara Fordham University
Keywords Imperialism, Benedict Anderson, End of Imperialism
Keywords Imperialism, Benedict Anderson, End of Imperialism


The Age of Empire has not come to an end. Benedict Anderson explains in the introduction to Under Three Flags.

Author Biography

Christopher Schmidt-Nowara, Fordham University
Christopher Schmidt-Nowara es Profesor Asociado de Historia en Fordham University (Nueva York). Su trabajo versa sobre la historia de España, Cuba, el Caribe, colonialismo, y la esclavitud atlántica. Es autor de numerosos trabajos, incluyendo Empire and Antislavery: Spain, Cuba, and Puerto Rico, 1833-1874 (University of Pittsburgh Press, 1999) y The Conquest of History: Spanish Colonialism and National Histories in the Nineteenth Century (University of Pittsburgh Press, 2006). Co-editó con John Nieto-Phillips Interpreting Spanish Colonialism: Empires, Nations, and Legends (University of New Mexico Press, 2005). Actualmente trabaja en un libro titulado The Destruction of Latin American Slavery.
Reviews: Empire & Colonialism