Early Modern Iberian Science: Ignored But Not For Much Longer. A Review of Jorge Cañizares-Esguerra's <em>Nature, Empire, and Nation: Explorations of the History of Science in the Iberian World</em> (Stanford: Stanford UP, 2006)

  • Mathew James Crawford University of California—San Diego
Keywords Impersialism, science, colonialism
Keywords Impersialism, science, colonialism


There is a fundamental aspect of the early modern Iberian World that continues to be overlooked if not actively ignored in Anglophone historical scholarship: science. Thus, use of the word “explorations” in the subtitle of Jorge Cañizares-Esguerra’s Nature, Empire and Nation is fitting since this book discusses largely unexplored historical terrain.

Author Biography

Mathew James Crawford, University of California—San Diego
Matthew James Crawford es candidato a doctor en el Departamento de Historia y el Programa de Estudios de la Ciencia en la Universidad de California, San Diego. Recibió una beca Fulbright para realizar investigación histórica en España durante el año 2005-2006. Actualmente está escribiendo su tesis doctoral sobre la historia del estanco de quina en la Audiencia de Quito y la relación entre ciencia y colonialismo en el mundo Ibérico-Atlántico durante el siglo XVIII. El título provisional de su tesis es “Cultivating Colonialism: Scientific Expertise, Colonial Statecraft, and the Story of the Cinchona Tree, 1750-1820.” Ha publicado recientemente “‘Para desterrar las dudas y adulteraciones’: Scientific Expertise and the Attempts to Make a Better Bark for the Royal Monopoly of Quina (1751-1790),” Journal of Spanish Cultural Studies (8.2, 2007.
Reviews: Empire & Colonialism