La voz del silencio: lenguaje y metapoesía en Los trabajos y las noches de Alejandra Pizarnik


  • Rafael Rodríguez New Mexico State University


Alejandra Pizarnik, metapoetry, desintegration of language, poetic silence, paralinguistic communication


Silence in Alejandra Pizarnik's work Los trabajos y las noches has a motive that goes beyond the disintegration of language and the primary meaning of the word. To counteract her struggle with the Spanish language, Pizarnik uses some linguistic complements that are evidenced in her poetic discourse. Both the night and the silence and the figure of death are channelers of the Pizarnikian language, a language that transcends reality and allows the author to establish a communicative link with her environment. Using metapoetry, Pizarnik states that language is structured by everything that surrounds it. Likewise, through her poetic work, she reveals the insufficiency of language to express certain human conditions of a metaphysical and abstract nature. This work demonstrates the linguistic dimension of silence in the work Los trabajos y las noches and the paralinguistic communication that predominates in her poetic discourse.



How to Cite

Rodríguez, R. (2023). La voz del silencio: lenguaje y metapoesía en Los trabajos y las noches de Alejandra Pizarnik. A Contracorriente: Una Revista De Estudios Latinoamericanos, 20(2), 102–114. Retrieved from



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