New Left and Graphic Press during the Second Half of the 20th Century

  • Pablo Ponza Universidad de Barcelona
Keywords graphic press / New Left / intellectuals / political radicalization / second half of the 20th Century Nueva Izquierda/ prensa gráfica/ intelectuales/ radicalización política/ segunda mitad del Siglo XX
Keywords graphic press / New Left / intellectuals / political radicalization / second half of the 20th Century Nueva Izquierda/ prensa gráfica/ intelectuales/ radicalización política/ segunda mitad del Siglo XX


The trajectory of the political-cultural magazines published by the Nueva Izquierda Argentina, during the second half of the twentieth century, it was powerfully affected by the political turbulence of that time. Making a general and long-term reflection about magazines trajectory, this article aims to analyze: 1) The groupings around editorial projects, the production, circulation and distribution, centrally between 1955 and 1976. 2) Analyze the cultural and politics universe from 3 conceptual and argumentative apparatuses. And 3) identify the 3 major topics of debate of the publications. These are: A) Peronist proscription. B) the underdevelopment and crisis of capitalism. And C) the creation of an armed vanguard.

Dossier: Textures of the 60s/70s