Reflexiones desde el populismo. El nacionalismo popular en Brasil y Argentina, 1954-1966


  • Oscar H. Aelo CESP, Fac. de Humanidades, UNMDP


Latin America; Politica Tought; Populism; History


The article analyzes in comparative form the main political theses defended by the exponents of a current of ideas here called popular nationalism that formed part of the public debate in Brazil and Argentina between the late fifties and the beginning of the sixties of the twentieth century. The political aspects of the thought of the two groups are examined, preferentially attending to their conceptions of the nation and nationalism, of the State and democracy, and of the social or political subjects that would be in charge of leading the postulated transformations. It is considered that the groups analyzed proposed ideas and reflections from within the movements / regimes called populist. Finally, a brief sharing of the analyzed ideas with those coming from the emerging Latin American sociology is carried out.



How to Cite

Aelo, O. H. (2020). Reflexiones desde el populismo. El nacionalismo popular en Brasil y Argentina, 1954-1966. A Contracorriente: Una Revista De Estudios Latinoamericanos, 17(3), 255–272. Retrieved from



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