A Novel Theory of Neoliberalism

  • Nicolas Allen Universidad de Buenos Aires
Keywords Neoliberalism; Popular Pragmatics; social movements; Deleuze; Argentina neoliberalismo; pragmatismo popular; movimientos sociales; Deleuze; Argentina
Keywords Neoliberalism; Popular Pragmatics; social movements; Deleuze; Argentina neoliberalismo; pragmatismo popular; movimientos sociales; Deleuze; Argentina


Review of Gago, Verónica. Neoliberalism from Below: Popular Pragmatics and Baroque Economies. Trans. Liz Mason-Deese. Durham: Duke University Press, 2017.

Author Biography

Nicolas Allen, Universidad de Buenos Aires

Nicolas Allen is a doctoral candidate in Literature at the University of Buenos Aires, where he is writing a dissertation on the cultural politics of the Argentine left in the 1940s and 50s. His research focuses broadly on Latin American Marxism and intellectual history. He also works as a translator.

Reviews: Neoliberalism and its Alternatives