The Transgressive Power of the Ludic in Chilean Poetry of the 1970s and 1980s

  • Scott Weintraub University of New Hampshire
Keywords Juan Luis Martínez, Chilean poetry, games, social critique
Keywords Juan Luis Martínez, Chilean poetry, games, social critique


Review of Maquinarias deconstructivas: Poesía y juego en Juan Luis Martínez, Diego Maquieira y Rodrigo Lira by Marcelo Rioseco (Santiago de Chile: Editorial Cuarto Propio, 2013).

Author Biography

Scott Weintraub, University of New Hampshire
Scott Weintraub received his Ph.D in Spanish from Emory University in 2006, was a Visiting Assistant Professor of Spanish at the University of Georgia and is currently an Assistant Professor of Spanish at the University of New Hampshire. A specialist in Latin American poetry and cyberliterature, and the in the intersection between philosophy, technology and science, he is the author of La última broma de Juan Luis Martínez: no sólo ser otro sino escribir la obra de otro. Prologue Marcelo Rioseco (Santiago: Editorial Cuarto Propio, 2014); Juan Luis Martínez’s Philosophical Poetics. (Lewisberg, PA: Bucknell UP, 2014. In press); and New Media Poetics in Spain and Latin America: Transdiscursive Scientific Explorations. (Under contract with Cambria Press and forthcoming late 2016).