Narrating Violence and the Nation in Latin America

  • Katherine Hite Vassar College
Keywords political violence, identity
Keywords political violence, identity


A review of Will Fowler and Peter Lambert's, eds., Political Violence and the Construction of National Identity in Latin America (New York: Palgrave MacMillan, 2006).

Author Biography

Katherine Hite, Vassar College
Katherine Hite es profesora asociada de Ciencia Política y Directora del Programa de Estudios Latinoamericanos y Latinos en Vassar College (Poughkeepsie, Nueva York). Es autora del libro When the Romance Ended: Leaders of the Chilean Left, 1968-1998 (Columbia University Press, 2000), y co-editora de The New Politics of Inequality in Latin America: Rethinking Participation and Representation (Oxford University Press,1997) y Authoritarian Legacies and Democracy in Latin America and Southern Europe (University of Notre Dame Press, 2004). Actualmente trabaja en un proyecto sobre las políticas de la memoria en Argentina, Chile, Perú y España.
Reviews: Nation-State and Violence