Breaking through National Boundaries: Afro-Creoles, Revolutions, and Nation-Formation in the US and the Caribbean. A Review of Jane G. Landers' <em>Atlantic Creoles in the Age of Revolutions</em> (Cambridge, MA: Harvard UP, 2010)

  • Kathryn Joy McKnight University of New Mexico
Keywords afro-creoles, nation-formation
Keywords afro-creoles, nation-formation


Atlantic Creoles in the Age of Revolutions is an eye-opening history of this less-studied region, and lesser-known leaders and groups in “a period of racial, economic, social, and political change across the Atlantic world.” Landers exposes the movements, activities, and influence of Black individuals, families, and communities from the revolutionary battles between Americans and British in Charleston to the slave uprisings in Saint Domingue, the “Indian wars” along the southeastern United States, and the slave revolts of Havana and Matanzas in the first half of the nineteenth century.

Author Biography

Kathryn Joy McKnight, University of New Mexico
Kathryn Joy McKnight es Profesora Asociada de Español y Directora Asociada de Programas Académicos en el Instituto Latinoamericano e Ibérico, en la Universidad de Nuevo México. Su libro, The Mystic of Tunja: The Writings of Madre Castillo, 1671– 1742 (University of Massachusetts Press, 1997), obtuvo el Premio Kovacs de la Modern Language Association en 1998. Ha publicado artículo sobre narrativas afro-latinas en revistas como Colonial Latin American Review, Colonial Latin American Historical Review, Revista de Estudios Hispánicos, y Journal of Colonialism and Colonial History. Es co-editora, con Leo J. Garofalo, de Afro-Latino Voices. Narratives from the Early Modern Ibero-Atlantic World, 1550-1812 (Hackett 2009).
Reviews: Indigenism